Archive for the ‘Motorcycling’ Category

Jay Leno’s Garage

Monday, August 11th, 2008

Today, I ran across Jay Leno’s Garage web site. Jay puts on a great online show that features a different car, motorcycle, or even aircraft. He gives a tour, and talks about the details of the featured vehicle. Then he’ll take it for a ride, drive, or flight to describe the way it runs. This is well worth a visit and spending some time on a few of his videos. I think I watched every one of the motorcycle video segments.

So, go to and check out my favorite. The S&S Mobile One Motorcycle. This machine is a mix of traditional v-twin, with modern technology in the engine and bike design. It really looks like a great ride!

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The Biking Blog Launches Again!

Tuesday, February 27th, 2007

Welcome to the Biking Blog! This blog will eventually have all sorts of articles and information relating to the obsession, passion, and mania of motorcycling. Comments are welcome and invited on the blog – just please keep it clean and relevant. We will be forced to delete any posts outside the topic of the site or that contains content that shouldn’t be read by your 8 year old.

There is no allegience to any brand or style of motorcycle here. Though, we do have our own preferences and leanings! 😉 We are emphatically enthusiastic about motorycles and riding – of all kinds. As we hope to post on a regular basis, you will see this blog grow around a number of topics. Enjoy the reading, post your comments, and come back often.

Ride Safe! Ride warm! And, Ride a Lot!